Monday, September 30, 2013

English 2 Honors

New SAT Vocabulary list #3 - aloof, apathetic, detached, impassive, indifferent, listless, nonchalant, phlegmatic, remote, stolid.

Today we presented our concrete poems. As part of our learning to self-evaluate, we (individually and anonymously) evaluated each group based on their mastery of the project.

Then we copied down study guide questions for Sections 1 -3 of our Novel,

HW: Complete section 1-3 questions if not completed in class.

Friday, September 27, 2013

English 1

We reviewed our IISD Worksheet and paid close attention to the plot summary. This led into a discussion of our Novel to ensure that everyone had read chapter 3 and understood the story so far.

HW: Character Map on 8 1/2 x 11 computer paper due Monday 9/30/13. Combined Prefix, commonly confused words, vocabulary #1 test on Tuesday 9/31/13.

Anti-against, Bi-two, Bene-good, Circum-around, Contra-against.
Commonly confused words:
Accept/Except, desert/dessert, its/it's, break/brake
Vocabulary List #1:
brevity, digress, insolent, mundane, retort, arrogant, confounding, squander, thrifty, predator

English 2

Mock FCAT Writes practice essay.

HW: None

English 2 Honors

Mock FCAT Writes practice essay.

HW: Read section 3 of night pages 29-46. Remember to log powerful images use in Night onto your imagery chart.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

English 1

Today was an early release day. We discussed chapter 2 of our novel and then read as a class part of chapter 3.

HW: Finish reading chapter 3 and complete IISD worksheet for chapter 3.

English 2

Today was early release day. The students took a noun quiz today and were allowed to use the noun notes they took as classwork on 8/30/13.

HW: None

English 2 Honors

Today was an early release day. The students took their vocabulary test on SAT #1 and SAT #2.

HW: None

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

English 1

Today the class responded to a journal prompt and several students shared their writings. Then we did an FCAT mini practice and review.

HW:  Please remember to bring your novel to class.

English 1

Tuesday 9/24/2013

We began our class discussing what happend at the end of Chapter 2. When it became apparent that only 2 students had read for HW, the students were put into groups. One group had read so they moved onto filling out our If I Should Die Worksheet. As each group completed their reading they moved onto the worksheet.

HW: All studnets should finish chapter 2 and complete the worksheet for chapters 1 & 2.

English 1

Monday 9/23/2013

Today we practiced identifying nouns. We continued reading aloud our class Novel If I Should Die Before I Wake.

HW: Read Chapter 2 in our Novel.

English 2

Today the class responded to a journal prompt and several students shared their writings. Then we did an FCAT mini practice and review.

HW:  Noun quiz tomorrow, Thursday 9/26/13. Remember your notes from class on Nouns, you can use them on the quiz. :)

English 2

Tuesday 9/24/13

Today we read section 2 of Night in groups of three. When we completed our reading we charted 5 sequence of events and completed the information (Name the chapter, setting, charaters, plot summary) for section 1 and  section 2 on our Night worksheet.

HW: Complete any items not finished in class. Noun quiz Thursday 9/26/13.

English 2

Monday 9/23/13

Today we worked on writing the sequence of events for section 1 of Night. We did this work in groups. Then the class reviewed nouns in anticipation of their noun quiz on Thursday.

HW: Complete Sequence of Events chart. Noun Quiz Thursday 9/26/13.

English 2 Honors

Wednesday 9/25/13

We completed our work on our classwork assignment - Concrete poems. Each group will be writing their own Concrete Poem. The poem will be about the Holocaust and must take the form of something to do with the Holocaust. In addition to the poem, the group must include images from the holocaust in their shape. The students will bring supplies to class to use for their poem. It must be done on posterboard and must be bigger than a piece of paper. Preferably half a regular poster board shape.This project has been completed entirely in class .

HW: Vocabulary test tomorrow,  Thursday 9/26/13. Sat List #1 and List #2.

English 2 Honors

Tuesday 9/24/13

Today we continued working on our classwork assignment - Concrete poem. Each group will be writing their own Concrete Poem. The poem will be about the Holocaust and must take the form of something to do with the Holocaust. In addition to the poem, the group must include images from the holocaust in their shape. The students will bring supplies to class to use for their poem. It must be done on posterboard and must be bigger than a piece of paper. Preferably half a regular poster board shape.This project is done entirely in class .
HW: Vocabulary test moved to Thursday 9/26/13

English 2 Honors

Monday 9/23/13

Today we reviewed Imagery for Chapter one of night, and then we continued our working on our classwork assignment - Concrete poems. Each group will be writing their own Concrete Poem. The poem will be about the Holocaust and must take the form of something to do with the Holocaust. In addition to the poem, the group must include images from the holocaust in their shape. The students will bring supplies to class to use for their poem. It must be done on posterboard and must be bigger than a piece of paper. Preferably half a regular poster board shape.This project is done entirely in class .
HW: Vocabulary test moved to  Thursday 9/26/13

Friday, September 20, 2013

English 1

We started off our class by writing a free write journal and several students shared theirs with the class. Then for extra credit some students read  their Holocaust poems to the class. We began reading chapter 1 of our novel If I Should Die Before I Wake.

HW: None.

English 2

The students began their day by reviewing our LIST #2 SAT vocabulary. They also responded to a journal prompt and several students shared their responses. We read more of our novel Night, completing chapter 1.

HW: Noun quiz Wednesday 9/25/2013

English 2 Honors

Today we responded to, and shared, our journals. Then we reviewed the last of our SAT vocabulary and worked in groups of 3 on our in-class project that we started today. Each group will be writing their own Concrete Poem. The poem will be about the Holocaust and must take the form of something to do with the Holocaust. In addition to the poem, the group must include images from the holocaust in their shape. The students will bring supplies to class to use for their poem. This project is done entirely in class .

HW: Vocabulary test on Wednesday 9/25/13

Thursday, September 19, 2013

English 1

I collected their Holocaust poems. The students responded to a Journal and shared; we discussed how to elaborate on what they wrote. Then we talked about "What is a Neo-nazi?". The students impressed me with their knowledge. Next, I handed out their new novel If I Should Die Before I Wake. We looked at the front cover graphics and talked about what we saw and what it might mean. Then I gave the students a summary of what the novel was about.

HW: If you have not already done so, bring in Holocaust poem or email it to me if you have printing issues.

English 2

We reviewed all types of Nouns - proper/common, abstract/concrete,compound, collective, possesive. Then we continued our reading and discussion of Chapter 1 of Night. I explained they will be having a noun quiz next week and they may use the notes they took in class last week.

HW: Noun Quiz next Wednesday 9/25/13.

English 2 Honors

Today the students took a Noun Quiz. Then I handed back their first Mock FCAT Essay's and we discussed them in generalities. I told the students if they had questions about their own essay to please ask me, and we would review their essay together. We discussed the HW and the poem we would be beginning in class tomorrow.

HW: Write a sequence of events in chapter 1 of Night. Due tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

English 1

Today we completed reading "The Perfect Storm' individually. Then the students completed the vocab in action exercise A & B. We reviewed their answers in class.

HW: Holocaust Poem: Using the word you selected, from your groups list of words, create your own Holocaust poem. Criteria - Word selected is to be the theme of the poem. Title = word selected, Body = poem about your word and the holocaust, Image = must be from the holocaust and reflect your word (title). Due Thursday 9/19.

English 2

I collected the List #2 SAT vocabulary words homework. We practiced identifying compound nouns by completing a worksheet and reviewing it as a class. Then we continued reading chapter 1 of Night; stopping along the way to discuss and clarify.

HW: None

English 2 Honors

We continued to review SAT Vocabulary and several more students did a great job of presenting their quilt project. We have finished our presentations in Periods 1 & 2, with a few left in Periods 3 & 4. We responded to our Journal and we had extra time so several students shared their journals. We discussed how they felt about the death penalty and an eye for an eye. This turned into a large class discussion  and we will be following up on this in the next coming weeks; as it relates to our Novel.

HW: Keep the imagery chart through out the reading the novel; completed chart due with end of Night Unit. Noun Quiz  tomorrow Thursday 9/19.

English 1

Tuesday 9/17/2013

Today we began reading as a class "The Perfect Storm", reviewed SAT vocabulary and responded to the connect to your life as our Journal.

HW: Holocaust Poem: Using the word you selected, from your groups list of words, create your own Holocaust poem. Criteria - Word selected is to be the theme of the poem. Title = word selected, Body = poem about your word and the holocaust, Image = must be from the holocaust and reflect your word (title). Due Thursday 9/19.

English 2

Tuesday 9/17/2013 
We took our SAT vocabulary test today and responded to our Journal. We had extra time so several students shared their journals. We discussed why bad things happen to good people and this turned into a large class discussion on how they felt about the death penalty and an eye for an eye. We will be following up on this in the next coming weeks as it relates to our Novel. We copied down our List #2 SAT vocabulary words.

HW: Vocabulary - Word, definition, sentence, synonym, antonym. Due Wednesday 9/18.

English 2 Honors

Tuesday 9/17/2013

We continued to review SAT Vocabulary and several more students did a wonderful job of presenting their quilt project. We did a more detailed review of nouns, concrete and abstract, and answered questions about the imagery chart the students will be filling out during our reading of the book.

HW: Finish reading chapter 1 - due Wednesday 9/18. Keep the imagery chart through out the reading the novel; completed chart due with end of Night Unit. Noun Quiz has been moved to Thursday 9/19.

English 1

My apologies about there not being a blog update till now. We have had some internet issues at school the past day or so.

Monday 9/16/2013

Today we continued to review our SAT vocabulary and we created acrostic poems with our names. In groups we read stories of survivors and non-survivors from the Holocaust history museaum website. Then we created a class poem using words that came from our readings.

HW: Holocaust Poem: Using the word you selected, from your groups list of words, create your own Holocaust poem. Criteria - Word selected is to be the theme of the poem. Title = word selected, Body = poem about your word and the holocaust, Image = must be from the holocaust and reflect your word (title). Due Thursday 9/19.

English 2

My apologies about there not being a blog update till now. We have had some internet issues at school the past day or so.

Monday 9/16/2013

We completed reviewing SAT Vocabulary List #1. We did a practice worksheet on concrete and abstract nouns, and we reviewed and discussed our answers in class. Then we began reading the first chapter of our novel Night stopping every paragraph or so to discuss vocabulary and verify comprehension.

HW: Vocabulary List #1 Test Tomorrow. 9/17

Monday, September 16, 2013

English 2 Honors

We continued to review SAT Vocabulary and several more students did a wonderful job of presenting their quilt project. We did a quick review of nouns (proper/common/abstract/concrete/possesive) and briefly discussed the imagery chart the students will be filling out during our reading of the book; there will be an example provided tomorrow and further discussion. We also began reading the first chapter of our novel Night.

HW: Finish reading chapter 1 - due Wednesday 9/18. Keep the imagery chart through out the reading the novel; completed chart due with end of Night Unit. Noun Quiz Wednesday 9/18.

Friday, September 13, 2013

English 1

As an Intro to our 1st Novel, the students, working in groups, created their own KWL charts listing what they Know about the Holocaust and what they Want to know. We will begin our novel next week, and at the completion of this unit we will revisit these charts and complete what I Learned and then each group will present their charts.

HW: None

English 2

Today was "Free Write Friday". This is where the students write about the topic of their choice. They usually enjoy Friday's journals since they can write about what's on their mind. We completed reviewing SAT vocabulary - List #. We completed our day with written answers to comprehension questions about the Night Preface, this was assigned reading earlier in the week and a class discussion yesterday.

HW: Vocabulary List #1 -  test on Tuesday 9/17/13.

English 2 Honors

Today was "Free Write Friday". This is where the students write about the topic of their choice. They usually enjoy Friday's journals since they can write about what's on their mind. We continued reviewing SAT vocabulary - List #2, and several more students presented their Quilt project. All students should have turned in their Alice Walker Unit work today for a grade. No Unit work = a grade of zero, no late work will be accepted. We completed our day with a discussion about the Night Preface reading assigned earlier in the week.

HW: None

Thursday, September 12, 2013

English 1

Today we continued with Springboard activity 1.7 (stories Eleven, Oranges, and Spotlight). We worked in groups and discussed the stories diction, syntax, imagery, etc.

HW: If activity 1.7 is not completed in class then it must be completed as homework.

English 2

Today the students worked on identifying proper and common nouns. We also worked on identifying common nouns that were capitalized that should have been lowercase, and proper nouns that were lowercase that should have been capitalized. Then we discuss the Preface to Night.

HW: None

English 2 Honors

Today we bagan reviewing our SAT Vocabulary from List #2 and then moved onto identifying proper and common nouns. We reviewed and discusssed our answers. The first group of our Quilt presenters did their presentations today.

HW; None. Remember, if you are presenting and planning to use note cards, to bring them with you on your assigned day.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

English 1

Today we did our first energy writing and reviewed SAT vocabulary word #8. Several students shared their journals. The students got into groups and continued working on the Springboard story "Eleven". Using the chart on page #118 they identified diction, syntax, imagery and made inferences.

Tomorrow: Students will continue the work on Springboard that they started today.

HW: None

English 2

Today we did some energy writing and reviewed SAT vocabulary words 7 & 8. Several students shared their journals. We discussed upcoming testing dates, I explained about the PSAT. The students began reading the Preface to Night.

HW: Continue reading the preface to Night - it is due tomorrow 9/12.

English 2 Honors

Today we did some energy writing and reviewed a list of new SAT vocabulary words (berate, carp, castigate, censure, chastise, deprecate, deride, impugn, rebuff, rebuke, reprove, upbraid). Several students shared their journals. We discussed upcoming testing dates, and the PSAT, National Merit Scholarship, and college entrance exams. The students reviewed their Alice Walker Unit work; this work is due on Friday 9/13.

HW: SAT Vocabulary List #2 - definitions, sentences, antonym and synonym - due tomorrow 9/12.
If you have not read the preface in Night please do so tonight. It was due today.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

English 1

Today we reviewed two of our vocabulary words from SAT vocab list #1. Then we wrote a journal using three of ours words in the story. Several  students shared their stories.


HW: None

English 2

Today we reviewed two of our vocabulary words from SAT vocab list #1. Then we responded to a journal related to our book and current events. Many students shared their feelings.


HW: Read the Preface in "Night" - Due Thursday 9/12.

Note: If you have not brought in your baggie big enough to fit the book, it is now overdue. You have a zero, and no book. No baggie/no book.

English 2 Honors

Today we reviewed our last two vocabulary words from SAT vocab list #1. Then we responded to a journal related to our book and current events. Many students shared their feelings.


HW: Read the Preface in "Night" - Due tomorrow 9/11. Alice Walker Unit papers (per the rubric) - Due friday 9/13.

Note: If you have not brought in your baggie big enough to fit the book, it is now overdue. You have a zero, and no book. No baggie/no book.

Monday, September 9, 2013

English 1

Today we worked out of our Springboard book. We began with the short story "Eleven" and discussed pronoun usage, similies, and metaphors,

HW: If you did not bring in your corrected Bio-poem it needs to be brought in tomorrow. Remember this is to improve your grade.


English 2

Period 6

We started our day off with a journal about initial reactions to the cover of our Novel and our feelings about being assigned to read the book. Several students shared their feelings. Then using their notes on the documentary we watched Friday, the students worked in groups to discuss and answer questions about the interview.

HW: If you have not brought in your baggie big enough to fit the book, it is now due tomorrow. No baggie/no book and you will have a zero on the assigment.


Period 7

Using the notes they took on the documentary we watched Friday, the students worked in groups to discuss and answer questions about the interview.

HW: If you have not brought in your baggie big enough to fit the book, it is now overdue. You have a zero, and no book. No baggie/no book.


English 2 Honors

We started our day off with a journal about initial reactions to the cover of our Novel and our feelings about being assigned to read the book. Several students shared their feelings. Then using their notes on the documentary we watched Friday, the students worked inpairs to discuss and answer questions about the interview.

HW: Read the Preface in "Night" - Due tomorrow 9/10. Alice Walker Unit papers (per the rubric) - Due friday 9/13.

Note:  If you have not brought in your baggie big enough to fit the book, it is now overdue. You have a zero, and no book. No baggie/no book.


Saturday, September 7, 2013

English 1

Friday, September 6th, 2013

We discussed corrections for our Bio-poems. The students have a chance to make the corrections as we discussed and turn in an update poem on Monday 9/9 for an improved grade. Then we continued breaking down into understandable chunks "The Wreck of the Hesperus". When we were finished discussing the poem the class said they enjoyed it very much.

HW: Correcedt Bio-poem - Due Monday 9/9.

English 2

Friday, September 6th, 2013

The class watched (and took notes about) the documentary - "Special Presentation Oprah Winfrey and Elie Weisel at Auschwitz Death Camp". We will be starting our book "Night" next week. The book is Elie Weisel's autobiography detailing his experience as a victim of the Holocaust during WWII.

HW: If you have not brought in your baggie big enough to fit the book, it is due on Monday 9/9.

English 2 Honors

Friday, September 6th, 2013

The class watched (and took notes about) the documentary - "Special Presentation Oprah Winfrey and Elie Weisel at Auschwitz Death Camp". We will be starting our book "Night" next week. The book is Elie Weisel's autobiography detailing his experience as a victim of the Holocaust during WWII.

HW: If you have not brought in your baggie big enough to fit the book, it is due on Monday 9/9.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

English 1

Today we collected the Commonly Confused HW assigned yesterday.Then the students read a poem in class "The Wreck of the Hesperus" and took a pre-test. The students found the poem a little difficult to understand. When they were done with their pre-test, we began to break down the poem into understandable chunks. We will continue this on Friday.

HW: Shana Tova - to those who celebrate; enjoy a relaxing Thursday - to those who don't.

English 2

Students reviewed SAT vocabulary and we talked about creating their own mnemonic to remember the meaning of the word.They responded to Journal #4, which referred to yesterdays story, by writing about someone who was a catalyst in their life; several students shared their Journal's. We collected both the "My Piece of the Quilt" project. Then as a class went over our pre-test and discussed our story and some of the history surrounding it.

HW: Bring in baggies to put our book "Night" into. To those who celebrate - Shana Tova, and to those who don't - have a relaxing Thursday off.

English 2 Honors

Students reviewed SAT vocabulary and responded to Journal #5, which referred to yesterdays story, by writing about someone who was a catalyst in their life; several students shared their Journal's. We collected both the Heritage Quilt project and baggies to put our book "Night" into. Then as a class we went over our pre-test and discussed our story and some of the history surrounding it.

HW: No H.W. To those who celebrate - Shana Tova, and to those who don't - have a relaxing Thursday off.

English 1

THIS POST IS FOR SEPTEMBER 3rd. (Internet Issues)

Today we reviewed vocabulary and then we contiuned discussing SB activity 1.8 "Cut". We completed the graphic organizer highlighting reading comprehension questions and discussing key details in each vignette.

HW: Commonly confused words - accept/except, break/brake, desert/dessert, its/it's - definition, part of speech and a sentence using each word.

English 2

THIS POST IS FOR SEPTEMBER 3rd. (Internet Issues)

Today the students read a short story in class "The Teacher Who Changed My Life" and took a Pre-Test. We discussed our "My Piece of the Quilt" project due tomorrow.

HW: Quilt Project due tomorrow 9/4. Bring in plastic baggie for "Night" book by 9/6.

English 2 Honors

THIS POST IS FOR SEPTEMBER 3rd. (Internet Issues)

Today the students read a short story in class "The Teacher Who Changed My Life" and took a Pre-Test. We discussed our Heritage Project due tomorrow.

HW: Heritage Quilt Project due tomorrow 9/4. Bring in plastic baggie for "Night" book.