Thursday, January 30, 2014

English 1

Mock Writes Expository Essay.

HW: Most Dangerous Game Test tomorrow 1/31.

English 2

The students continued to view the movie Of Mice and Men and will be making note of differences between the book and the movie.

HW: Unit Test Of Mice and Men 2/4.

English 2 Honors

The students began viewing the movie Of Mice and Men and will be making note of differences between the book and the movie.

HW: Imagery Chart due 2/3; Socratic seminar 2/4 & 2/5.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

English 2 Honors

Of Mice and Men Test Today

HW: OMM Imagery Chart due Monday 2/3; OMM Socratic Seminar Tuesday 2/4 and 2/5.

Monday, January 27, 2014

English 1

Today the students completed Vocabulary in Action: Exercise B. We then reviewed whole class. Afterwards, we discussed in great detail the ending of the story The Most Dangerous Game and made many inferences based on our readings.

HW: None *

English 2

Today the students created new characters for Of Mice and Men and inserted these characters into the story line. Then many students shared their journal. Whole class we discussed the ending of the book.

HW: Chapter 6 Notes and Study Guide due tomorrow Tuesday 1/28.

English 2 Honors

Today the students created new characters for Of Mice and Men and inserted these characters into the story line. Then many students shared their journal. Whole class we discussed the ending of the book and students revisited the anticipation guide and completed the after reading portions.

HW: Of Mice ad Men unit test Wednesday 1/29; Socratics Seminar Thursday 1/30 and Friday 1/31 if needed. Imagery chart due Monday 2/3 ** Change in date

English 1

Friday 1/24/14

Today was free Write Friday; the students wrote journals and shared them in class. Whole class we continued reading Most Dangerous Game.

HW: Finish reading Most Dangerous Game due Monday 1/27.

English 2

Friday 1/24/14

Today was free Write Friday; the students wrote journals and shared them in class. Whole class we completed chapter 6 (the end) of our book.

HW: None

English 2 Honors

Friday 1/24/14

Today was free Write Friday; the students wrote journals and shared them in class. Whole class we discussed the ending of the book. Then I handed out Socratic seminar questions and requirements for our seminar next Thursday 1/30.

HW: Of Mice ad Men unit test Wednesday 1/29; Socratics Seminar Thursday 1/30 and Friday 1/31 if needed. Imagery chart due Friday 1/31.

Friday, January 24, 2014

English 1

We completed Vocabulary in Action Pg. 59 Exercise A,\; continuing Most Dangerous Game.

HW: Finish Reading Most Dangerous Game

English 2

Pre-test "Love and Marriage". Review Pre-test.

HW: Complete Of Mice and Men.

English 2 Honors

Pre-test "Love and Marriage"/ Review pre-test.

HW: Complete Of Mice and Men.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

English 1

Today we discussed the upcoming curriculum selection process and we had a brief Q&A about classes and selections. Then we moved on to reading some more of our story The Most Dangerous Game.

HW: Vocabulary List #4 due Friday 1/24.

English 2

Today the students completed grammar practice sentences and we reviewed whole class. We discussed the upcoming curriculum selection process and then the students moved into pairs to work on Study Guide and notes for chapter 5 Of Mice and Men.

HW: Study guide/notes chapter 5 due tomorrow 1/23.

English 2 Honors

Today the students completed a grammar practice sentences and we reviewed whole class. We discussed the upcoming curriculum selection process and then the students moved into pairs to complete vocabulary practice for Of Mice and Men (Crossword puzzle and analogies)

HW: Vocabulary list #6 due tomorrow 1/23 and Chapter 6 Of Mice and Men due Friday 1/24.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

English 1

Today is "National Hugging Day". The students wrote a journal about it and several shared in class.
Then whole class continued reading The Most Dangerous Game.


English 2

Today is "National Hugging Day". The students wrote a journal about it and several shared in class.  Then the whole class completed reading chapter 5.

HW: Chapter 5 notes/study guide due - 1/23 Thursday.

English 2 Honors

Today is "National Hugging Day". The students wrote a journal about it and several shared in class. They continued working on character typing of several characters from Of Mice and Men with a partner.

HW: Complete chapter 6 by Friday 1/24. Vocabulary list #6 due 1/23 Thursday - Definitions, sentences, antonyms and synonyms.

English 1

Students responded to a journal and several shared with the class. Continued reading The Most Dangerous Game.
 HW: None

English 2

Friday 1/17/14

Responded to Journal and several students shared. Continued reading chapter 5.

HW: Vocabulary due Tuesday 1/21/14 - definitions, sentences, antonym, synonym

Friday, January 17, 2014

English 2 Honors

The students responded to a Journal and several shared their writings with the class. The we talked about character types and students paired up to begin working on identifying sevral characters from Of Mice and Men.

HW: None - enjoy your long weekend

Thursday, January 16, 2014

English 1

Task A: Whole class review and discussion of figurative language (simile, metaphor, hyperbole, allusion, alliteration, personification, idioms) using Princess Penelope story. Task B: Class then individually answered questions about story and we again reviewed whole class.

HW: None.

English 2

PD 6 - Responded to Journal and I worked individually with students on their writing and then several students shared. Completed review of Study guide 4 and Began chapter 5.

PD 7 - Responded to Journal and I worked individually with students on their writing and then several students shared. Began review of Study guide 4.

HW: Period's 6 & 7 - Conflict/Effect worksheet due Friday 1/17/14

English 2 Honors

Today was day 4 of  BAT testing and as a result I did not meet with periods 1, 2.

Periods 1, 2, 3 & 4  - Work through Thursday was assigned: work on "Dissect a Poem" worksheet - defining figurative language, forms of poetry and poetic conventions and applying knowledge to worksheet; complete chapter 5 Of Mice and Men by Friday; read "On Summer" in the Language of Literature book and answer questions on page FCAT 23;  go on and do 10-15 minutes worth of vocabulary then print screen and bring in as proof you did this (there should be rice in the bowl)

Period 1 - please stop by my room during your lunch hour to pick up copies of all worksheets that are due Friday 1/17/14. THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!

HW: All classes - Work due Friday 1/17/14.  Worksheets (conflict/effect, poetry) chapter 5 RCQ on Friday, and answers to page FCAT 23, FREERICE print

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

English 1

Completed Most Dangerous Game vocabulary chart in class. Continued reading The Most Dangerous Game.

HW: Finish reading Most Dangerous Game. RCQ (reading check quiz) tomorrow 1/16/14.

English 2

Responded to Journal and shared in class.
Period 6  - Reviewed chapter 4 and most SG questions..

Period 7 - Began conflict/effect worksheet in class. Reviewed chapter 4.

HW: PD 6 & 7 - Conflict/effect worksheet completed for HW - due Friday 1/17/14.

English 2 Honors

Today was day 3 of  BAT testing and as a result I did not meet with periods 1, 2 or 3.

Periods 1, 2, 3 & 4  - Work through Thursday was assigned: work on "Dissect a Poem" worksheet - defining figurative language, forms of poetry and poetic conventions and applying knowledge to worksheet; complete chapter 5 Of Mice and Men by Friday; read "On Summer" in the Language of Literature book and answer questions on page FCAT 23;  go on and do 10-15 minutes worth of vocabulary then print screen and bring in as proof you did this (there should be rice in the bowl)

Period 1 - please stop by my room during your lunch hour to pick up copies of all worksheets that are due Friday 1/17/14.

HW: All classes - Work due Friday 1/17/14.  Worksheets (conflict/effect, poetry) chapter 5 RCQ on Friday, and answers to page FCAT 23, FREERICE print

English 1

Tuesday 1/15/14

Responded to a Journal and shared our writings in class. Whole class we began a vocabulary chart identifying and defining the words to know for Most Dangerous Game. The chart will be completed in class tomorrow.

HW: None

English 2

Tuesday 1/14/14
Period 6 - Responded to a Journal and shared our writings in class. Collected Chapter 4 SG. Began conflict/effect worksheet in class.

Period 7 - Responded to a Journal and shared our writings in class. Collected Chapter 4 SG. Completed review of SG Chap 3 and discussion of chapter 3.

HW: PD 6 - Conflict/effect worksheet completed for HW - Due Friday 1/17/14.
PD 7 - Complete SG 4 if not already done - Due tomorrow.

English 2 Honors

Tuesday 1/14/14 Today was day 2 of Reading BAT testing and as a result I did not meet with period 1.

Periods 1, 2, 3 & 4  - Work through Thursday was assigned: work on "Dissect a Poem" worksheet - defining figurative language, forms of poetry and poetic conventions and applying knowledge to worksheet; complete chapter 5 Of Mice and Men by Friday; read "On Summer" in the Language of Literature book and answer questions on page FCAT 23;  go on and do 10-15 minutes worth of vocabulary then print screen and bring in as proof you did this (there should be rice in the bowl)

Period 1 - please stop by my room during your lunch hour to pick up copies of all worksheets that are due Friday 1/17/14.

HW: All classes - Work due Friday 1/17/14.  Worksheets (conflict/effect, poetry) chapter 5 RCQ on Friday, and answers to page FCAT 23, FREERICE print

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

English 1

Monday 1/14/14

We started the period introducing 2 new students to the class.  Then we started reading 'Most Dangerous Game'. We began with a discussion about the picture and what the title might mean and moved into discussions about extreme sports and hunting. We continued by reading 1/2 of the first page.

HW: None

English 2

Monday 1/13/14

Collected  typed Literary Analysis homework that was due today. Reviewed Of Mice and Men chapter 3 study guide questions and discussed chapter 3.

HW: SG Chapter 4 due tomorrow 1/14/14.

English 2 Honors

Monday 1/13/14

Today was day 1 of Reading BAT testing and as a result I did not meet with period1.

Periods 2, 3 & 4 - worked on cause/effect and vocabulary worksheet for Of Mice and Men. The work was turned in at the end of class.

Period 1 - please stop by my room to pick up a copy of the worksheet. Work due Friday 1/17/14.

HW:  Periods 2, 3, & 4 - None
Period 1 - Complete worksheet by Friday 1/17/14

Friday, January 10, 2014

English 2 Honors

10th grade Assembly.

HW: Read Of Mice and Men Chapter 5 - due Friday. 1/17 - RCQ Friday.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

English 1

The students finished watching the movie "Devil's Arithmetic" and spent the last half of class rewriting their movie guide answers into complete sentences.

HW: None

English 2

Today the students did some more grammar practice and as a paired activity the students completed the Literary Analysis on page 841. The assignment required 3 examples of figurative language from the poem, completing  the Paired Activity where the student creates their own simile and metaphor to go with the poem, and one example each of alliteration, assonance, and consonance.

HW: Read chapter 4 in OMM - due 1/13 Monday. Complete chapter 4 SG and notes also due Monday 1/13/14. Complete work started in class and type up Literary analysis due 1/13 Monday.

** Please note date change for Literary Analysis.

English 2 Honors

Today the students took an RCQ to test their understanding of the novel we are reading Of Mice and Men. After testing the class continued with grammar review and finished out the day with continuing to work on literary analysis classwork that is due tomorrow.

HW: Turn in typed literary analysis work Friday 1/10/14. Read chapter 5 in Of Mice and Men due Friday 1/17/14. RCQ will probably be given.

English 1

Wednesday 1/8/14

The students began watching "The Devil's Arithmetic" and completing question and discussion worksheet about the movie.

HW: None

English 2

Wednesday 1/8/14

Today the students did some grammar practice. Then they proceeded to complete Connect to Your Life on page 848 discussing childhood and trees, and the poem "Birches"  on page 849.

HW: Read chapter 4 in OMM - due 1/13 Monday. Complete chapter 4 SG and notes also due Monday 1/13/14. Complete work started in class and type up Literary analysis due 1/10 Friday.

English 2 Honors

Wednesday 1/8/14

Today the students completed a grammar practice. The read "Like The Sun" on pages 849-52 individually and then completed as a paired activity the Literary Analysis on page 853. The requirements for the analysis were to answer the humor question and make sure to cite examples from the story to back up opinion. Respond to questions #7 Critic's Corner and answer the following question about the painting on page 852 - "How is the painting related to Shekar's ideas about truth?"

 HW: Read chapter 4 in OMM - due 1/9 Thursday. RCQ Thursday 1/9 on chapter 4. Complete work started in class and type all Literary analysis due 1/10 Friday. .

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

English 1

The students began watching "The Devil's Arithmetic" and completing a movie question and discussion worksheet.

HW: None

English 2

Today the students responded to, and several shared, a Journal about a quote by Nelson Mandela. "Pride" on page 845 was read whole class. As a paired activity the students completed the Literary Analysis on page 846.

HW: Read chapter 4 in OMM - due 1/13 Monday. Complete chapter 4 SG and notes. Complete work started in class and type up Literary analysis due 1/10 Friday.

English 2 Honors

Today the students responded to, and several shared, a Journal about a quote by Nelson Mandela. Then they proceeded to complete Connect to Your Life on page 848 discussing childhood and trees, and the poem "Birches"  on page 849. As a paired activity the students completed the Literary Analysis on page 841. The assignment required 3 examples of figurative language from the poem, completing  the Paired Activity where the student creates their own simile and metaphor to go with the poem, and one example each of alliteration, assonance, and consonance.

HW: Read chapter 4 in OMM - due 1/9 Thursday. RCQ Thursday 1/9 on chapter 4. Complete work started in class and type all Literary analysis due 1/10 Friday.

English 1

Monday January 6, 2014

 Today the students responded to, and several shared, a Journal about New Years resolutions related to school. Then they proceeded to read a short story and complete a Figurative Language Worksheet.

HW: If worksheet not completed in class, complete for HW due tomorrow 1/7/14.

English 2

Monday January 6, 2014
 Today the students responded to, and several shared, a Journal about New Years resolutions related to school. Then they proceeded to complete Connect to Your Life on page 843 creating word map associations for "hope" and "pride" which was shared whole class. The poem "For the New Year, 1981"  on page 844 was read whole class.

 HW: Read chapter 4 in OMM - due 1/9 Thursday. RCQ Thursday 1/9 on chapter 4.

English 2 Honors

Monday January 6, 2014

Today the students responded to, and several shared, a Journal about New Years resolutions related to school. Then they proceeded to complete Connect to Your Life on page 843 creating word map associations for "hope" and "pride". The poems "For the New Year, 1981" & "Pride" on pages 844-5 were read whole class. As a paired activity the students completed the Literary Analysis on page 846.

HW: Read chapter 4 in OMM - due 1/9 Thursday. RCQ Thursday 1/9 on chapter 4. Complete work started in class and type Literary analysis due 1/10 Friday.