Thursday, January 16, 2014

English 2 Honors

Today was day 4 of  BAT testing and as a result I did not meet with periods 1, 2.

Periods 1, 2, 3 & 4  - Work through Thursday was assigned: work on "Dissect a Poem" worksheet - defining figurative language, forms of poetry and poetic conventions and applying knowledge to worksheet; complete chapter 5 Of Mice and Men by Friday; read "On Summer" in the Language of Literature book and answer questions on page FCAT 23;  go on and do 10-15 minutes worth of vocabulary then print screen and bring in as proof you did this (there should be rice in the bowl)

Period 1 - please stop by my room during your lunch hour to pick up copies of all worksheets that are due Friday 1/17/14. THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!

HW: All classes - Work due Friday 1/17/14.  Worksheets (conflict/effect, poetry) chapter 5 RCQ on Friday, and answers to page FCAT 23, FREERICE print