Friday, August 30, 2013

English 1

Students responded to Journal #3 and several shared their writings with the class. We contiuned discussing SB activity 1.8 "Cut". We are completing the graphic organizer highlighting reading comprehension questions and discussing key details in each vignette.

HW: None. We will complete "Cut" in class on Tuesday.

English 2

Students responded to Journal #3 "Energy Writing" and a few students shared their Journal's. We had a class discussion on the various types of Nouns (Common, proper, abstract, concrete, etc) and the students took notes and came up with examples of each.

HW: "My Piece of the Quilt" is due Wednesday 9/4. Each student will be creating an 8 1/2 x 11 "quilt square" detailing their heritage and culture. They will be required to meet the criteria of the rubic which was distributed.

English 2 Honors

Students responded to Journal #4 "Free Write Friday" and a few students shared their Journal's. We had a class discussion on Denotation/Connotation. In groups we read Alice Walker's Poems "Women" and "Poem at Thirty-Nine" and the students created denotation/connotation charts.

HW: "My Piece of the Quilt" is due Wednesday 9/4. Each student will be creating an 8 1/2 x 11 "quilt square" detailing their heritage and culture. They will be required to meet the criteria of the rubic which was distributed and present their piece beginging 9/11.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

English 1

We began our day with a discussion on "What does it mean to come of age?'. This led to a class read aloud of 5 vignettes that made up a story called "Cut". We took notes and made comments and observations on each vignette. This is part of Springboard Activity 1.8.

HW: None

English 2

We began class by discussing background information and looking at some art work about our upcoming story. Then we read as a class "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker.

HW: Answer questions 1 - 3 on page 513.

English 2 Honors

We completed Grammar in Context on page 515 and review active voice/passive voice. Then the class divided up into pairs to work on identifying 5 conflicts within "Everyday Use" and answering the question Was the conflict resolved? Why or why not?. Then we discussed our upcoming project "My Piece of the Quilt".

HW: "My Piece of the Quilt" is due Wednesday 9/4. Each student will be creating an 8 1/2 x 11 "quilt square" detailing their heritage and culture. They will be required to meet the criteria of the rubic which was distributed and present their piece beginging 9/11.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

English 1

We began our day with SAT vocabulary and the students then wrote a Journal about their name. A few srtudents shared their Journal. This led into a class read aloud of two stories about "What's in a name?". We discussed the stories in detail and then the students paired up to complete a chart about diction/syntax/imagery/making inferences about the speaker. This completed Springboard Activity 1.3.

HW: Complete chart about the two stories.

English 2

Period 6 -
In advance of reading our story we completed a vocabulary chart for some of the words in the story. The chart consisted of the 5 Words to Know for Alice Walker's "Everyday Use". We started reading the story discussing background information and looking at some art work about the story. We will complete the story tomorrow.

HW: None.

Period 7 -
The students were shown how to take T-chart notes through modeling the exercise. They then completed the chart and turned it in for a grade. Then in advance of reading our story we completed a vocabulary chart for some of the words in the story. The chart consisted of the 5 Words to Know for Alice Walker's "Everyday Use".

HW: Complete Vocabualry Chart.

English 2 Honors

Continuing with our Heritage Unit, we completed Vocabulary in Action on page 515 and started  discussing background information and looking at some art work about the story. Then we read as a class "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker.

HW: Answer questions 1 - 3 & 5 on page 513.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

English 1

Today the students took a practice FCAT writes.

HW: None

English 2

Today the students took a practice FCAT writes.

HW: Complete Alice Walker T-chart. Due Wednesday 8/28.

English 2 Honors

Today the students took a practice FCAT writes.

HW: Complete Alice Walker T-chart and "Everyday Use" vocabulary chart. Vocabulary chart should include Word, POS, Definition, Sentence from the book, Own sentence using the word. Due Wednesday 8/28.

Monday, August 26, 2013

English 1

We reviewed vocabulary and had a lively class discussion about "What's in a name? Would we be the same person if our mother/father named us something different?".

We began looking at SB activity 1.3 Pizza. This exercise works on diction, syntax, imagery, tone, and voice.

1) Completed and typed Bio-Poem with illustrations was due in class today.
2) Bring in Language of Literature books on Tuesday 8/27/13. I did not receive 9th grade books, so for now bring your books to class.
3)Complete SB Activity 1.3 if not completed in class. Due Tuesday 8/27/13.

English 2

The class reviewed vocabulary and then we brainstormed whole class "Who do we admire?" and "What are traits do we admire?". We read "Alice Walker - Author Study" together as a class.

Period 6 only - The students were shown how to take T-chart notes through modeling the exercise.

1) Period 6 only - Complete Alice Walker T-chart  Due Wednesday 8/28.
2) Period 7 - No HW.

English 2 Honors

Students responded to Journal #3, a few students shared their Journal's and we reviewed vocabulary. Then we brainstormed in class "Who do we admire?" and "What are traits do we admire?". We read "Alice Walker - Author Study" together as a class. The students were shown how to take T-chart notes through modeling the exercise. We also discussed creating a vocabulary chart for the 5 words to know for the next story we are going to read "Everyday Use".

HW: Complete Alice Walker T-chart and "Everyday Use" vocabulary chart. Due Wednesday 8/28.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

English 1

Today we discussed "What is a noun" and then the students were given an exercise where they had to identify all nouns in a sentence. Volunteers came up to the front of the room and underlined the nouns. Whole class discussion followed on the accuracy of the answers.

The students viewed the first episode of Aftershock - our school TV.

1) Completed and typed Bio-Poem with illustrations due in class on Monday 8/26/13. Please don't forget to include illustrations. They count towards your overall grade.

2) Bring in Language of Literature books with a book cover on Monday 8/26/13. I did not receive 9th grade books, so for now bring your books to class.

English 2

This post is for FRIDAY AUGUST 23, 2013 - I apologize for it being late; technical difficulties.

The students completed the SB activity 2.17 chunking exercise and we discussed our answers in class.We moved on to the second half of SB activity 2.17 reading the second story. We then completed SB activity 2.17 with a Venn Diagram comparing the stories we read.

DO NOT BRING IN YOUR LANGUAGE OF LITERATURE BOOKS. I received a class set late in the day Friday.

HW: None

English 2 Honors

This post is for FRIDAY AUGUST 23, 2013 - I apologize for it being late; technical difficulties.

The students were introduced to SOAPStone which is an AP close reading strategy. We utilized this strategy as we continued working on the second half of SB activity 2.17. We concluded SB activity 2.17 with a Venn Diagram comparing the stories we read.

PD 1 - DO NOT BRING IN YOUR LANGUAGE OF LITERATURE BOOKS. I received a class set late in the day Friday.

HW: None

Thursday, August 22, 2013

English 1

Students responded to Journal #2 and several shared their writings with the class. They then defined identity in their own words and we proceeded to have a class discussion about "What is identity?". I asked the students if they knew what a Bio-Poem was and then proceeded to model my version of a Bio-poem. The students were given a specific format to follow.

1)  Completed and typed Bio-Poem with illustrations due in class on Monday 8/26/13.
 2) Bring in Language of Literature with a book cover on Monday 8/26/13.

English 2

The students responded to Journal #2 and a few students shared their journal with the class. We completed the SB activity 2.17 chunking exercise and began to discuss our answers in class. We will be completing this activity tomorrow.

1) Due tomorrow Friday 8/23/13. Vocabulary List #1 - denounce, torque, fathom, docile, hovel, balm, divine, alternative, countenance, badger.
2) Due Monday 8/26/13 - Bring in your Language of Literature book with a book cover and your name on the binder of the book cover.

English 2 Honors

The students responded to Journal #2 and a few students shared their journal with the class. We completed the SB activity 2.17 chunking exercise and discussed our answers in class. We then moved on to the 2nd story in SB activity 2.17 and we will be completing this activity tomorrow.

1)  Due tomorrow Friday 8/23/13. Vocabulary List #1 "The bad, the very bad, and the baddest". baneful, deleterious, detrimental, devious, iniquitous, malicious, nefarious, odious, ominous, pernicious, rancorous, virulent.

2) Due Monday 8/26/13 - Bring in your Language of Literature book with a book cover and your name on the binder of the book cover.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

English 1

I am still in the process of collecting a few missing syllabus and "Folder of me". Please check pinnacle if either assignment has a 'Z' it means you have not turned it in.

A diagnostic part of speech test was administered and the grades will be entered into pinnacle, but with a zero weight. This means they will have no effect on the overall grade.

We discussed prefixes (Anti, Bi, Bene, Circum, Contra) and their definitions today. We also wrote sentences using words that began with the prefix.

1) Vocabulary List #1 - brevity, digress, insolent, mundane, retort, arrogant, confounding, squander, thrifty, predator. List the word, definition, write a sentence using the word, please give me 1 antonym and 1 synonym.
2) Bring in Language of Literature book, to leave in classroom. Cover with a solid book cover and write your name on it.

English 2

I am still in the process of collecting a few missing syllabus and "Folder of me - heritage". Please check pinnacle if either assignment has a 'Z' it means you have not turned them in.

A diagnostic part of speech test was administered and the grades will be entered into pinnacle, but with a zero weight. This means they will have no effect on the overall grade.

We received new Springboard books today and began activity 2.17 "Why choose Humor?" starting on page 115. The students are utilizing chunking to read a story in groups and answer questions about that story. All classes have completed the first two groups of questions about the story. The students will continue with the activity tomorrow.

HW: None

English 2 Honors

I am still in the process of collecting a few missing syllabus and "Folder of me - heritage".  Please check pinnacle if either assignment has a 'Z' it means you have not turned them in.

A diagnostic part of speech test was administered and the grades will be entered into pinnacle, but with a zero weight. This means they will have no effect on the overall grade.

We received new Springboard books today and began activity 2.17 "Why choose Humor?" starting on page 115. The students are utilizing chunking to read a story in groups and answer questions about that story. All classes finished the story and tomorrow we will discuss our answers.

HW: None

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

English 1

Today we began by responding to a journal prompt about how our first day of highschool compared to our expectations.. A few students shared their writings and we had a short discussion on the subject. Then we discussed the topic of characters in books and movies. We talked about how to do a character map and modeled an example. The students were then asked to do "Folder of me" which is basically a character map of themselves. The front of the folder is to have 5 adjectives defining the student along with a picture of the main item that defines them. On the back of the folder they are to have 5 places or items that they like.

HW: Any folders not finished in class were taken home to be completed.

English 2

Today we talked about the definition of heritage and how it relates to our family. We began by responding to a journal prompt about something special and/or different about our families. A few students shared their writings. We continued the heritage theme with a class discussion about "How my heritage defines me" and completed our day by creating our "Folder of me - heritage".

HW: Any folders not finished in class were taken home to be completed.

English 2 Honors

Today we talked about the definition of heritage and how it relates to our family. We began by responding to a journal prompt about something special and/or different about our families. A few students shared their writings. We continued the heritage theme with a class discussion about "How my heritage defines me" and completed our day by creating our "Folder of me - heritage".

HW: Any folders not finished in class were taken home to be completed.

Monday, August 19, 2013

English 1

We reviewed our class syllabus and went over the rules of the class. We also learned a few things about each other.
HW: Bring in signed syllabus. Due tomorrow 8/20.

English 2

We reviewed our class syllabus and went over the rules of class. We also learned a few things about each other.
HW: Bring in signed syllabus. Due tomorrow 8/20.

English 2 Honors

PD 1 (only) - We received our schedules for the year and went over the required school forms. We also touched upon our class syllabus, went over class rules, and learned a few things about each other.
HW: Bring in signed required school forms and signed syllabus. Due tomorrow 8/20.

PD 2, 3, 4 -  We discussed our class syllabus, went over class rules, and learned a few things about each other.
HW: Bring in signed syllabus. Due tomorrow 8/20.